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일본의 융합기술 활용에서 나타난 일본문화 특징 연구 -미래투자전략2017-Society 5.0 실현을 향한 변혁을 중심으로 2020-07-09 10:58:51
작성자  지식콘텐츠연구소 조회  254   |   추천  32

日本政府が将来の投資戦略として選定した5大テーマすなわち、健康寿命の延長部門、移動革命の実現部門、 サプライチェーンの次世代化部門、快適なインフラ、まちづくり部門、FinTech部門の焦点は、すべてが少子化、労 働力人口の高齢化、労働力の減少から予想される日常を乱す要因を最小限に抑えることや、あるいは解消しようとする 計画である。 日本政府がこのような地味で、何気ない日常に焦点を当てる理由は、日本人自身が手に負えないものやスケールの 大きいものに興味を持つのではなく地味な日常を過ごすことから共感を得、日常を楽しもうとする社会文化的な特性があ るからである。 日本が邪心を捨て、日常に集中し日常を乱す問題を真剣に解決していけば、日本は再び世界を感動させる業績を 残すことができると研究者は用心深く推測している。


The Japanese Government emphasized five themes for future investment strategy: the health and life extension sector, the mobility revolution realization sector, the next generation of supply chains sector, the pleasant infrastructure sector, the regional composition sector, and the FinTech sector. These sectors are all intended to minimize and/or eliminate obstacles in our daily lives caused by the low birth rate and shrinking labor force of on an aging society. The reason the Japanese government focused on such trivial and mundane issues of daily life is because of the social and cultural characteristics of Japanese people, who are naturally drawn to, sympathetic to, and tend to enjoy their ordinary daily lives more than they would something intangible, unrealistic, and grand. We can make an educated guess that if Japan manages to successfully solve the problem by focusing solely on such daily issues without pursuing self-interest, it will once again succeed in impressing the rest of the world

자료명 일본의 융합기술 활용에서 나타난 일본문화 특징 연구 -미래투자전략2017-Society 5.0 실현을 향한 변혁을 중심으로
저자 정근하(鄭根河),노영희(魯榮姬)
발행기관 한국일본문화학회




학술지명 日本文化學報(Journal of Japanese Culture)
권호정보 2019, vol.41, no.6, 통권 64호 pp. 963-1000 (38 pages)


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